What’s the Deal with Floatation Therapy?


What is Floatation Therapy?

Salt isn’t just for making food taste better (or throwing over your shoulder for good luck!) — it can actually be therapeutic.

Dr. Ian visited the Rachel Ray Show to share his experience with Flotation Therapy at Floating Lotus in New York City. He described the experience as if he was “floating in space.” Jackie, co-founder of Floating Lotus says that the water and air temperature is the same as your skin so you don’t feel anything and that there is no gravity so you’re just floating. The best part is she says you’ll reap the benefits right away.

“You’re going to go home, your serotonin levels are raised and you’ll feel happy from those hormones and you’ll have a good night’s sleep,” claims Jackie.

Think you can’t float? Dr. Ian didn’t think so either. But not to worry, he says there’s so much salt in the water that it’s like the Dead Sea and it actually supports your body so you don’t sink (the water is 10 inches deep, in case you’re wondering).

I fell asleep, it’s wonderful!” says Dr. Ian. “For people who are highly strung, I think this could be a way for them to disconnect and kind of allow their body to go into a semi-vegetative state. I enjoyed this immensely.

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